Ocala酒庄 - 缤纷夏日,味蕾盛宴

Ocala Winery - Summer Feast for Your Senses


An immersive experience to make your summer extraordinary


Welcome to Ocala Winery's Summer Celebration!


Here, sunshine, wine, and joy intertwine to bring you an unforgettable summer experience.


Exciting Events Await You

阳光采摘嘉年华 - 收获的喜悦

Sunshine Harvest Carnival - Joy of Harvesting

时间:即日起至9月底,每周六 上午9:00-下午5:00

Time: From now until the end of August, every Saturday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Step into our lush orchards and handpick juicy, fresh fruits. Feel the warmth of the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and let nature's gifts nourish your body and soul.

  • 寻宝游戏:在果园中寻找隐藏的宝藏,赢取丰厚奖品!
  • Treasure Hunt: Find hidden treasures in the orchard and win fantastic prizes!
  • 最佳采摘手比赛:展示您的采摘技巧,赢得"金苹果奖"!
  • Best Picker Contest: Show off your picking skills and win the "Golden Apple Award"!
  • 创意水果拼盘比赛:发挥您的艺术天分,用缤纷水果创作美味艺术品。
  • Creative Fruit Platter Contest: Unleash your artistic talent and create delicious works of art with colorful fruits.


Special Offer: Book a harvesting activity and get free entry to our fruit wine tasting, featuring Ocala Winery's specially crafted summer fruit wines!

夏日黄昏品酒会 - 醉人的味蕾之旅

Summer Twilight Wine Tasting - An Intoxicating Journey for Your Palate

时间:即日起至9月底,每周六 晚上7:00-9:00

Time: From now until the end of August, every Saturday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


As the sun sets, savor our carefully crafted wines. Let the rich aroma of our wines awaken your taste buds and experience the romance of a summer night in a gentle euphoria.

  • 盲品挑战:考验您的品酒技巧,猜对酒种赢大奖!
  • Blind Tasting Challenge: Test your wine tasting skills and win big prizes by correctly guessing the wine varieties!
  • 美酒与美食的完美邂逅:体验精心搭配的葡萄酒与在地食材的绝妙组合。
  • Perfect Pairing of Wine and Cuisine: Experience the exquisite combination of carefully paired wines and local ingredients.
  • 品酒笔记创作:用诗意的语言或绚丽的画作,记录您的品酒感受。
  • Wine Tasting Notes Creation: Record your wine tasting experience through poetic language or vibrant artwork.


Exclusive Experience: Each tasting session will feature a limited edition reserved wine, available for tasting and purchase only to that evening's participants!


Event Calendar

在线预订 - 锁定您的夏日精彩时光

Online Booking - Secure Your Summer Highlights