关于庆典 About the Celebration
在这个金秋时节,Ocala Winery诚挚邀请您参加我们的年度盛会。在美丽的葡萄园中,我们为您准备了一场集美酒、美食与欢乐于一体的难忘体验。无论您是葡萄酒爱好者,还是想要在周末放松身心的朋友,这里都有适合您的精彩活动。
This golden autumn, Ocala Winery cordially invites you to our annual celebration. In our beautiful vineyard, we've prepared an unforgettable experience combining fine wine, delicious food, and joyful moments. Whether you're a wine enthusiast or someone looking to relax over the weekend, we have exciting activities suitable for everyone.
精彩活动 Featured Events

黄昏品酒会 Sunset Wine Tasting
Savor our carefully selected wine collection against the backdrop of the setting sun. Our professional sommeliers will guide you through the characteristics of each wine, unveiling the mysteries of winemaking.
每晚5:00-9:00 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Daily
秋日烧烤盛宴 Autumn BBQ Feast
Enjoy outdoor barbecue and savor local specialties. Our chef team will present perfect grilled delicacies paired with selected wines, creating a feast for your taste buds.
下午12:00-5:00 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
苹果采摘体验 Apple Picking Adventure
Enjoy the thrill of picking your own apples and discover the journey from orchard to table. Join our apple jam making workshop and taste your own delicious creation.
上午10:00-下午5:00 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM门票信息 Ticket Information
中秋赏乐美食之旅 Mid-Autumn Festival Music & Gourmet Tour
- 游园会门票 + 音乐会+ 品酒+佐餐 + BBQ +苹果汁
- Carnival admission + Concert + Wine tasting & snacks + BBQ & apple juice
- 价格:$70/人
- Price: $70 /person
- 预订价:$55/人
- Early bird price: $55 /person
- 适合人群:希望享受中秋赏月、品尝美食和欣赏音乐的游客
- Suitable for: Visitors who want to enjoy moon gazing, delicious food, and music during the Mid-Autumn Festival
中秋采摘品酒之旅(自驾) Mid-Autumn Picking & Wine Tour (Self-drive)
- 自驾游园会门票(含停车) + 采摘10磅苹果 + 品酒+佐餐
- Self-drive carnival admission (parking included) + Apple picking (10 lbs) + Wine tasting & snacks
- 价格:$45/人
- Price: $45 /person
- 预订价:$30/人
- Early bird price: $30 /person
- 适合人群:喜欢采摘新鲜水果、品尝美酒,并享受自驾游乐趣的游客
- Suitable for: Visitors who love picking fresh fruits, tasting wine, and enjoy self-driving tours
中秋亲子乐园(校车) Mid-Autumn Family Fun Day (School Bus)
- 坐校车 + 游园会门票 + 采摘10磅苹果
- Round-trip school bus + Carnival admission + Apple picking (10 lbs)
- 价格:$50/人
- Price: $50 /person
- 预订价:$40/人
- Early bird price: $40 /person
- 适合人群:希望带孩子体验中秋游园、采摘乐趣,并享受便捷校车服务的家庭
- Suitable for: Families with children who want to experience the Mid-Autumn carnival and apple picking, with convenient school bus service
Please note:
The above prices are per person. Early bird prices are available for advance bookings.
Free entry for children under 4 years old
Self-drive packages include parking fees, no additional payment is required.
School bus packages include round-trip school bus fees for convenient transportation.
Visitors can freely choose other items according to their own needs and preferences.
场地设施 Facilities
品酒区 Wine Tasting Area
- 专业品酒室,可容纳50人
- Professional tasting room for 50 people
- 户外品酒露台,俯瞰美丽葡萄园
- Outdoor tasting terrace overlooking beautiful vineyards
- 10个专业品酒台,每台配备专业侍酒师
- 10 professional tasting stations, each with a sommelier
烧烤区 BBQ Area
- 10台高级烧烤炉
- 10 premium BBQ grills
- 20个烧烤台,每台配备4把座椅
- 20 BBQ stations, each with 4 chairs
- 遮阳伞和凉棚,提供舒适的用餐环境
- Umbrellas and canopies for comfortable dining
户外休息区 Outdoor Lounge
- 46个舒适的户外椅子
- 46 comfortable outdoor chairs
- 12个户外木长凳,每个可坐4人
- 12 outdoor wooden benches, each seating 4
- 8个葡萄酒桶改造的特色桌子,每个可容纳4人
- 8 unique tables made from wine barrels, each seating 4
注意事项 Important Notices
- 请提前在线预订以确保您的位置,特别是品酒会和烧烤盛宴名额有限
- Please book online in advance to secure your spot, especially for wine tasting and BBQ feast as spaces are limited
- 活动当天请携带有效身份证件,我们将严格检查年龄,确保遵守饮酒法规
- Please bring valid ID on the day of the event. We will strictly check ages to ensure compliance with drinking regulations
- 我们提供指定司机服务和代叫出租车服务,请负责任地饮酒
- We offer designated driver services and can call taxis for you. Please drink responsibly
- 全场提供免费WiFi,密码将在购票后提供
- Free WiFi is available throughout the venue. The password will be provided after ticket purchase
- 请穿着舒适的鞋子,部分活动可能需要在葡萄园中行走
- Please wear comfortable shoes as some activities may require walking in the vineyard
联系我们 Contact Us
地址: Address: 971 High Point Road, Port Perry, Ontario. L9L 1B3
电话: Phone: +1 4373405469, +1 9059859924
邮箱: Email: info@ocalawinery.ca
网站: Website: ocalawinery.ca